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Life Fitness


We’re Life Fitness, the most trusted brand in fitness. We’re a customer-centric team, passionate about working together to deliver innovative fitness solutions that benefit both facilities and exercisers in over 160 countries. We value proactive collaborators who love a challenge, are eager to make a lasting impact, and are interested in growing with our business. Come join our team!


Learn about life fitness employees outside of the office

Please be aware of false job postings and other recruiting activities perpetrated by individuals claiming to be Life Fitness. We continue to take correction actions that are within our power to stop these kinds of scams.

Genuine Life Fitness recruitment correspondence will come from our “@lifefitness.com” domain email addresses or “lifefitness@myworkday.com” (for U.S. opportunities). Our company does not charge any kind of fees to apply, nor do we conduct interviews via text messaging. We will never ask for your financial information at any part of the interview process, including the post-offer stage.

If you have questions about the legitimacy of a posting or other recruitment activity, please contact us directly at careers@lifefitness.com.